Digestive symptoms can vary from constipation and diarrhoea, or a mixture of both, bloating, flatulence, reflux and abdominal discomfort. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it could be a sign that something isn’t quite right in your gut.

Are you restricting your diet?

You might be restricting your diet and cutting out foods you think might be triggering your symptoms. Doing this can starve your gut microbes which will reduce diversity in your gut, which in turn can lead to longer term problems and health conditions. Scientific research shows a diverse gut microbiome equals better health, and reduces risk of chronic disease.

Are you confused about what you should be eating?
There’s so much conflicting information available about what you should or should not be eating for better digestive and gut health. I can help you work out the best foods for you based on your biology, and by introducing foods into your diet to create a more diverse gut microbiome.
Other symptoms

There are many other symptoms that are connected to gut health which can be related to an unhealthy gut. The gut is often referred to as the second brain. Fatigue, brain fog, low mood and anxiety are all associated with an imbalance in your gut bacteria, as well as cravings, headaches and difficulty losing weight.

Transform the way you feel

By investigating the root cause of your digestive symptoms and working on your gut health through diet and lifestyle changes I can help you feel more like yourself again. I can help you enjoy food again without experiencing uncomfortable symptoms that have been affecting your daily life.

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