Are you looking for a Nutritionist in Stafford? I see clients for one-to-one consultations at The Tudor House Holistic Centre, conveniently located in Stafford town centre in The Colonnade on Eastgate Street. The centre is in the perfect location for people who want to see a Nutritionist and live in Stafford, as well as for people living across South Staffordshire, including Penkridge, Rugeley and Cannock.
Your consultations at the centre will be conducted in a comfortable, private room to ensure confidentiality.
Convenient car parking is available at Kingsmead Retail Park.
You are also welcome to have your nutrition consultation online via video call rather than in-person if that’s what you’d prefer.
If you are interested in a one-to-one nutrition consultation with me, please send an e-mail to to arrange your consultation in Stafford, or book a FREE 30-minute health and wellness call to discuss your health goals and concerns.

You can find The Tudor House Holistic Centre at:
The Colonnade, Eastgate Street, Stafford, ST16 2NQ